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Steph Ivelisse


fabric and acrylic


This artwork bears a profound connection to the artist's first-ever mural—a serendipitous moment that unveiled the depth of her creative calling. Faced with a tight deadline and minimal experience in floral art, she embarked on the mural project with a 10-minute sketch and an unwavering determination. It was a pivotal moment that ignited her realization: her purpose in life is to create, regardless of the medium. "Superbloom" encapsulates this revelation, as the golden flowers that adorn the canvas signify the radiant potential that blooms within us when we wholeheartedly embrace our creative spirit. In this piece, fabric meets florals, and past meets present, showcasing the artist's journey of discovering and nurturing her calling—a journey that continues to unfurl like the petals of a blossoming flower, vibrant and ever-evolving.





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