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Marianne Koleng

“Head and Heart”

8.5x11 inches (can trim), just red and black pens


This piece is inspired by my own personal journey in becoming a surgeon and medical school while combating my own diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The Medusa aspect of the drawing emphasizes the "stone-cold" logic underlying the stereotype of surgeons, while the anatomical heart parallels the necessity of love and compassion for myself through mood swings, and ultimately for patients and medicine itself. $50 IG: @medicallymar

Marianne Koleng The Corporatization of Medicine 8.5 x 11 inches (can trim), black pen and crayola colored pencil This piece is especially important to me because it contains my favorite element on the periodic table (bismuth), but is also a key component in many drugs, pepto-bismol, for example. Working in healthcare I have seen how the magic of chemistry and creation of medicine have often been destroyed by bureaucracy hence the combatting colorful bismuth crystal being clutched by the rotting jaw of the skeleton head.




“Head and Heart”

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